About OGSL
The Oakland Girls Softball League’s (OGSL) mission is to provide organized fast pitch softball to girls between the ages of 5-14 in the Oakland, CA community with the overall goal of promoting sportsmanship, developing individual skills, encouraging friendship, and providing leadership opportunities via a fun and positive athletic experience. Self-funded through member registration and sponsorship donations, OGSL is a volunteer run, non-profit, equal opportunity organization affiliated with USA Softball, formerly the Amateur Softball Association (ASA).
OGSL was established in 1993 as the Oakland Bobby Socks League through the hard work and selfless dedication of Linda Thompson and Vicki Vrankovich. From humble beginnings, their commitment to girl’s softball has blossomed into the dynamic and growing organization that OGSL has become today.
Over the years the efforts of our many volunteers, including coaches, score keepers, chaperones, assistants, team managers and board members had made out growth possible. In 2002 OGSL marked its first year of our affiliation with ASA (now USA Softball) and in 2003 fielded its first competitive travel teams for Summer and Fall tournament play.
Today OGSL’s recreational league has an average of over 300 registered players. The competitive travel program, the Vipers, fields 8U, 10U, and 12U travel teams.